Advanced Driving
How to further skill and enjoyment in motoring
By: John Lyon
Written by one of Britain's foremost tutors in advanced driving, this important new book will provide the inspiration and instruction necessary to become an expert driver - and therefore a safer one. A lifetime of driving wisdom lies behind the guidance in this book's easy-to-follow text and to aid understanding there are photographs and diagrams to support all key points. This is a book for keen drivers who want to refine their skills in order to further their enjoyment and skill in motoring.
'as featured in The Daily Telegraph'
Oferowana książka wydana jest w języku angielskim (niedostępna w polskiej wersji językowej). Wraz z poradnikiem otrzymasz również bezpłatnie specjalny słownik techniczny angielsko-polski, ułatwiający korzystanie z instrukcji Haynesa.